Skincare secrets


Recycling guide

Our eye mask is meant to be used for a long time, and if you take good care of it by cleaning after use, it can be used over 100-150...

Recycling guide

Our eye mask is meant to be used for a long time, and if you take good care of it by cleaning after use, it can be used over 100-150...

Om Zuwelia Skins återanvändbara ögonmask

About Zuwelia Skins Reusable Eye Mask

  After staring at our computers for hours on end there is nothing more refreshing than an eye mask, but among the eye masks available in Sweden it just didn't...

About Zuwelia Skins Reusable Eye Mask

  After staring at our computers for hours on end there is nothing more refreshing than an eye mask, but among the eye masks available in Sweden it just didn't...

5 sätt att optimera din ögonmask från Zuwelia

5 ways to optimize your eye mask from Zuwelia

1. Less is more  A heavy coating of your serum or cream will result in a mask that slips and slides down your face. A little goes a long way, just...

5 ways to optimize your eye mask from Zuwelia

1. Less is more  A heavy coating of your serum or cream will result in a mask that slips and slides down your face. A little goes a long way, just...

Sheet Mask utan det onödiga slängandet

Sheet Mask without the unnecessary throwing away

How the reusable eye mask works  Zuwelia's eye mask is groundbreaking skin care product that delivers long-lasting results. While sheet masks are effective at moisturizing and plumping the skin, they are...

Sheet Mask without the unnecessary throwing away

How the reusable eye mask works  Zuwelia's eye mask is groundbreaking skin care product that delivers long-lasting results. While sheet masks are effective at moisturizing and plumping the skin, they are...

Den bästa återfuktande ögonmasken

The best hydrating eye mask

Your favorite hydrating eye mask feels amazing, doesn't it? Obvious. What more could you ask for? It turns out, a lot. First, you can save money by using some of...

The best hydrating eye mask

Your favorite hydrating eye mask feels amazing, doesn't it? Obvious. What more could you ask for? It turns out, a lot. First, you can save money by using some of...

Hjälper en ögonmask mot mörka ringer under ögonen?

Does an eye mask help with dark circles under t...

"You look tired!" is not the most pleasant thing to hear. Even if you yourself feel tired (which we all do sometimes), you probably want to look rested and refreshed....

Does an eye mask help with dark circles under t...

"You look tired!" is not the most pleasant thing to hear. Even if you yourself feel tired (which we all do sometimes), you probably want to look rested and refreshed....